Shootin' (a scene) at 50 Cent
Just to keep the frightened middle classes updated... the 50 Cent concert in Toronto went off without incident. (editors note: I can't claim authorship of that first sentence. It was a brilliant start to the always excellent music critic for the Toronto Star - Ben Rayner -- about the only journalist in this city that's been able to bring some sanity to all the ink being spilled writing about linking rap and Toronto gun violence.) What better place to shoot a final scene for The Toronto Rap Project then the much debated appearance of 50 Cent. Yes, security was very tight entering the building (something on par with boarding your standard aircraft) but I guess it's better to be safe then sorry? Nice to see our Police and security resources so gainfully employed in patting down all the white, suburban kids attending the show. And yes, that was the dominant demographic present on this night. We managed to interview many people as they were leaving the show, with the question on everybody's mind, "Does seeing a fiddy concert make you want to fire a gun?" The answers may surprise you...
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